Canada, Burkina Faso, Ghana and all the in-betweens


Futbol 4

Hopefully you've all had a chance to read about Father's House International Ghana. If not you can read my post (scroll down!) or follow this link! Father's House is where my fourth One World Futbol is.

As soon as I spent my first afternoon at Father's House I wanted to bring them a One World Futbol. The boys are so active, and play so much soccer, that I figured the ball would be put to good use. On my last afternoon at Father's House I entrusted Jake&Chanda with a One World Ball for when the boys need a new ball.

They knew what the One World ball was right away. The founders of Father's House have been looking at them online and talking about how awesome it would be for Father's House to have some! I'm super excited I get to be a part of Father's House trial run of the One World balls, and look forward to hearing how it goes!

The boys play soccer on the beach, so here is a picture with a beach soccer game in the background.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

all of us that are in love with africa have to share our information somewhere! glad this post kept you in the loop :)