Canada, Burkina Faso, Ghana and all the in-betweens


Futbol 3

Before leaving Accra for Dzelukope we stayed in a hotel across the street from a church and school. On our last day we had lots of time to kill before heading out of the city, and I came up with the (questionably) brilliant idea to go play with some of the kids at the school. Their recess involved a lot of sitting around and they had no idea what to do with us, and so I ran back to the hotel to grab one of my one world balls. Soon as I got back into the school yard the kids were called back to class. I was crushed! But I couldn’t walk away with the ball, after coming with it. So I presented it to the teacher, who told us the kids would really enjoy it. And I trust they will. As I’m sure you can see from the picture – they’re adorable! And I’m sure they will enjoy having a futbol around the school yard for recess in the future.

Photo credit to Alessa U.

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