Canada, Burkina Faso, Ghana and all the in-betweens



I'm writing this in the early hours here, but in Burkina the day is already beginning. And that means updates on the current situation.

President of Burkina, Blaise Compaoré, released a statement on the 30th. 
Until now he has remained relatively silent through the unrest. Compaoré addressed the demonstrations that have 'disturbed the tranquil life of the general population and compromised security, peace and social cohesion of Burkina' firstly in addressing his condolences to the people of Burkina most affected by the demonstrations. He then addressed his 'fellow men' and argued blatant disregard for the law would not be tolerated in a state based on rights. Compaoré suggested the measures (largely economic) his government seeks to go to maintain peace in the 'state of rights' and the way in which they are seeking to aid victims of the demonstrations. Finally Compaoré called upon the citizens of Burkina to stay strong, be patriotic and protect Burkina just as they have done during past struggles. 
Compaoré finished his address by saying "Vive la Republique, vive le Burkina Faso" or 'long live the republic, long live Burkina Faso'. 

A few quick updates: 
  • The military took to demonstrations and shooting North of Ouagadougou (Yako lies Northern of Ouaga) the night of the 30th to 31st. 
  • Marsahll Law has been imposed and a curfew of 9pm through 6am is in place all across Burkina (not just Ouaga as previously suggested). 
  • Blaise Compaoré is scheduled to meet with militants today in Ouagadougou to discuss the current unrest. 
  • Some news sources have suggested the unrest is manifestations of a rebelling army. This is serious news when one considers Burkina's history the marks no peaceful changes of head of state. 

Recent notes have suggested an air of "serenity" has returned to Ouagadougou following a night under marhsall law.
Word is 'things are calm in Yako' despite the implementation of Marshall law.
Dieu merci - Thank God. 

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