Last Thursday and Friday (the 27 & 28) I was privileged to be part of evangelism in a village near to Yako: Peligantga, a grouping of villages near the gold mines. Sara, one of the other short termers here, had Peligtanga on her heart, and began the process of investigating how she might reach out to the village. I have recently joined her in working with the children’s outreach, and she also planned a women’s evangelism.
This past Thursday we had an exciting morning that would have looked a little like a day from VBS at home. Many children from SW came along to help with the day's events that included worship time, bible story, games time and a snack, the children in Peligtanga had even prepared some songs, and a little theatre production. We shared with the children about God's immense love for them, and about how he has a plan for their lives, one of the boys from SW told the story of David&Goliath.
Below are some pictures of our games time in Peligtanga. (Photos by Lisa)

Friday for the women's evangelism, and the goal was simply to bless the women and express love for them. Similar to the previous day there was a worship time and a time for messages and afterwards the four of us from SW washed the women's feet. As we sat washing feet and praying for the woman whose feet we were washing, the women filled the church with songs of worship and praise to the Lord. The presence of the Lord was powerful! Please pray for this ministry. Pray for the lives that were touched by last week's outreach, and the previous children's outreaches. Pray that God would continue to provide us with vision for Peligtanga (and other villages) in which He is calling us to share His love.
Here is a picture (taken by one of the pastors).
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