Canada, Burkina Faso, Ghana and all the in-betweens


The Most Wonderful Time

Nee Taabo, Wenna wiligd viinre. Joyeux Noel. Merry Christmas. 

I Spoke to some of my Burkina family today. It made my heart glad. 
Ruth says everyone is well. Therese and Emma have returned home with their adoptive families. The orphanage has received many wonderful visitors and volunteers the past months. 

Some of the kids have returned home to visit their families over christmas. Others will celebrate christmas with the Ghounghin church. 

Wherever you are celebrating... 
Blessings as we celebrate Christ. 
I hope this Christmas you recognize the immense love God has for us. 

(And I hope you get some turkey too!)

Give us, O God, the vision which can see Your love in the world in spite of human failure.
Give us the faith to trust Your goodness in spite of our ignorance and weakness.
Give us the knowledge that we may continue to pray with understanding hearts.
And show us what each one of us can do to set forward the coming of the day of universal peace.
[Frank Boreman, Christmas Eve 1968, Apollo 8 Space Mission]

1 comment:

Sara said...

Thank you for your sweet words and your support and especially your prayers! We can't wait to have our little guy home.