Canada, Burkina Faso, Ghana and all the in-betweens


Special Goodbyes

This week as I said goodbye and "see you agains" to friends in Sandema there were two goodbyes that were the most special to me. 

Before leaving Sandema Katie and I knew we wanted to meet with both our cleft care babies and their mothers one last time. We brought them printed photos that we'd taken throughout our time with them, and had a chance to say goodbye. These meetings have made my heart sing, and I'm overwhelmed with gratitude for the opportunity to be here this summer.

We met Margaret and Lydia on the road in Fumbisi. I'd given up hope that we'd see them (we'd spent the morning at a health screening with CBR and had asked around to many people to see if they could find Lydia for us), and we were on the road back to Sandema when Lydia walked up with Margaret strapped on her back. 

We thanked her for giving us the opportunity to assist with Margaret's medical care, and said some small goodbyes. 

Margaret's lip is healing so well! She is due for her second surgery in November & we look forward to hearing it's finished. Thank you for your donations for caring for Margaret's second surgery and her follow-up visit! We have received all of the funding needed, and also have a contingency fund in place should unexpected needs arise. 

Margaret before surgery

Margaret one month after surgery. 

Katie, Margaret, Lydia & me
Saying goodbye to baby Margaret

Teni and Angelina arrived at CBR one morning as Katie and I worked. I caught Teni's eye as she walked towards us and we both broke into huge smiles and giggled as we said hello. Teni was so very happy when we saw her, and my heart was singing as I saw Angelina's lip healed (and her skin infection has vanished). Angelina's lip has healed beautifully, and the scar will continue to diminish with time. Angelina needs no additional surgery, and we're so grateful to have had the opportunity to arrange the medical care she did need. 

Angelina before surgery
Angelina 1.5 months after surgery! 

one word: LOVE


Both mother's once again communicated their gratefulness for our assistance. In turn I'd like to thank you a final time for your role in this summer. This is the last of the cleft care updates, but what a summer it has been! 

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